Saturday, July 16, 2011

Drive Thru

We have successfully arrived at our campground on the coast of the Adriatic.  The drive was loooong!  So loooooong!  Here is a brief recap:

Slovakia: Welcome to our tiny and cute country.  Please drive slowly through our many villages and hamlets. 

Austria: Welcome!  Please drive quickly through on our efficient, clean, and well-groomed autobans. 

Slovenia:  Ha!  What the hell are you doing?  Using us as a hallway to your vacation destination?  You're just like all the others!  GIVE us 30 euro NOW for no more than 5 miles of country road.  Fuck you very much!

Croatia:  Welcome to our wonderful country!  Be so kind as to give us 5 euro and we'll give you endless miles of highways through the most beautiful countryside ever!  Enjoy the views while leisurely driving to the seacoast.   You are so very welcome!


  1. um, and why wasn't i allowed to come visit you this summer? i'm retiring to slovenia, you know...

  2. Wish you were here! Next time, I promise!
