Monday, August 15, 2011

Recipe Day: Pickled Curry Cucumbers (updated)

Recipe Sunday turned into recipe Monday, but better late than never.  I made a few jars of a curry cucumber salad.  I got the recipe from my sister who got it from someone else who got it from yet a different person.  I tried it when I was in Poland and it was delicious and it's easy to make even if somewhat time-consuming.  I am not totally sure about the amount of cucumbers you'll need so just eyeball it.  I think I bought about three pounds and used the following amounts of the other ingredients:
2 large onions
2 tablespoons of mustard seed
2 tablespoons of curry powder
2 tablespoons of salt (I use sea salt cause it's better)
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of hot water
First, peel and thinly slice the cucumbers (I used a mandolin slicer) and slice the onions.  Then mix all of the other ingredients and pour the hot liquid over the cucumber and onion slices.  This needs to sit for a while.  At least 5-7 hours or up to 24 hours).  
Once it's sat around for a while, get your glass jars ready.  First, put them into boiling water so they can get disinfected properly.  Then, once they're cool enough to touch, stuff them full of the cucumber slices in the curry juices.   Close the lids tightly.   Put a pot of water on with a rag of some sort on the bottom of it so the jars don't sit directly on the metal bottom.  Put the jars into the water when it's still cold so you don't break them.  The water should reach up to about 3/4 of the jars.  Once the water starts boiling, set the timer for 7-10 minutes.  Finally, take the jars out (don't burn your fingers!) and set them upside down.  If the lids stayed on and the jars aren't leaking, you've done the job right.
Disclaimer: I have to wait at least one week before I open one of the jars to try the salad.  Thus, I don't know if my own concoction worked.  If it did work, I'll try the same thing with zucchini.  It's supposed to be just as delicious.  Will keep you posted. 
Update: It worked!  They came out pickled, but I used too much curry.  The recipe above turns out to be for many more cucumbers--so either use less of the pickling juice or more cucumbers, and you're golden.

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